Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Top 10 Summer Herbs for Floral Design

Written by Em Kettlehake | August 5, 2024

Summer brings with it an abundance of fragrant herbs that can elevate your floral arrangements to new heights. By incorporating these aromatic plants, you can create designs that not only please the eye but also delight the nose. There's a world of olfactory experiences waiting to be explored in your floral creations.

When working with herbs in floral design, proper care is essential to maintain their freshness and longevity. Water requirements vary among herbs, but most prefer to be kept consistently moist without becoming waterlogged. Change the water every couple of days to prevent bacterial growth and keep your herbs looking their best. Regular trimming of stems and removal of any wilted leaves will help maintain the arrangement's appearance and prevent premature decay.

To extend the lifespan of your herbal arrangements, consider placing them in a cool spot away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Many herbs benefit from a light misting of water on their leaves to maintain humidity. You can also add a few drops of bleach to the water to inhibit bacterial growth and keep your arrangement fresh for longer.

Our selection of delicious-smelling summer herbs offers a diverse palette for your floral designs. Thyme, with its delicate green foliage, pairs beautifully with silver, purple, and green sage varieties. The upright stems of rosemary provide structure, while oregano, available with flowering pink petals or only the green foliage, adds a soft, cascading element. Mint, whether green or flowering, brings a refreshing scent and lush foliage to any arrangement.

Lavender, in both the English and French varieties, offers a classic fragrance and beautiful purple spikes. The broad leaves of bay laurel provide a rich green backdrop, while the feathery fronds of dill add a touch of sunny yellow. Basil, whether green or flowering, contributes a spicy aroma and interesting texture. For those seeking unique scents, consider incorporating herb catmint with its delicate flowers. 

By thoughtfully combining these fragrant herbs, you can create floral arrangements that engage multiple senses, transforming your space with both beauty and aroma. Experiment with different combinations to find your perfect blend of visual appeal and delightful fragrance.


Lavender English Lavender

Lavender French Lavender

Mint Green

Mint Flowering

Rosemary Green

Herb Catmint Blue

Oregano Pink

Oregano Green

Basil Green

Basil Flowering Green

Thyme Green

Dill Yellow

Sage Silver

Sage Purple

Sage Green

Bay Laurel Green