Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Florist Interview: French Market Flowers

Written by Ana Romero | January 31, 2024

From the world of theatrical design, childhood floral memories, and the enchanting realms of floristry, Matt and Hannah pour their passions into French Market Flowers. Get to know them both as we dive into their creative process, hear heartwarming customer stories, and learn more about the meticulous planning that transforms their shop into a floral haven—especially during the blooming demands of the Valentine's Day season!

Ready to get inspired? Let's dive into the season of love with Matt and Hannah!



Can you share the story of how you became a florist, and what inspired you to pursue a career in the floral industry?

Matt: I fell into the industry as a happy accident, simply being in the right place at the right time to assist a friend with a wedding. That led to a whirlwind of opportunities over several years, aided by a love for gardening and foraging. I found myself always on the lookout for anything beautiful growing in nature I could get my hands on to experiment with. Coming from a background in theatrical design, it seemed like a natural progression to work in events/floristry.

Hannah: One of my favorite childhood memories is planting flowers in the garden with my mom. We would pick out bulbs from the nursery, get our hands and knees dirty, and then admire the fruits of our labor throughout the year. My love of flowers developed as a child, but floristry as a career didn’t occur to me until later in adulthood. During the pandemic, I spent a lot of time watching DIY videos on Youtube, and one day came across the Mayesh Design Star series. I was so inspired by the beauty of the designs and flower varieties featured in those videos and thought, if someone else can build a career working with flowers, then I can too!

How would you describe the signature style or aesthetic of your shop and its floral arrangements?

Our signature style is meadowy and organic. We strive to bring the effortless beauty of the natural world into indoor spaces. Our favorite floral elements are textural, dainty, and whimsical

Are there specific lessons or insights you've gained through your experiences in the floral industry?

Half the job is problem-solving and finding creative solutions on the spot. It’s fun and rewarding, but you definitely need to think quickly and keep calm. We work with organic material, it's unruly and has its own agenda, but embrace the chaos of nature and it will lead to some of your best work! 

Could you share a particularly memorable or heartwarming experience related to a customer's reaction to one of your floral arrangements during the Valentine season?

We’ve had kids get involved with their parents in creating the arrangement and picking it up for mom or dad. They always have such pure reactions and joy in the process. We always like to give the kids a little special something for coming in. We gave a rose to a little girl once, and she acted like it was the bachelor and said “I accept this rose”!

How does your shop prepare for the increased demand during the Valentine's Day season?

Planning, planning, and more planning! We confirm staff schedules months in advance because holidays like these take a village. We set a target for sales, and then create a budget for flowers. To source the freshest blooms for our customers, we coordinate with Mayesh and our local farmer partners. We also stock up on supplies, vases, and specialty gift items. And finally, we cross our fingers and hope for the best!

Are there specific Mayesh products that have become signature elements of your Valentine's Day arrangements?

We don't have specific products we use, but we work with our Mayesh rep to do flower pulls! She knows our favorite varieties and color palettes, and we trust that she'll put together a beautiful assortment of flowers and foliage for us.

Can you walk us through your process of selecting Mayesh products for your floral arrangements, particularly when designing for Valentine's Day?

Once we finalize our Valentine’s color palettes, we’ll browse Mayesh for products that fit into those palettes and within our signature style. Besides color and aesthetics, we prioritize hardiness and impact. We like flowers that make a statement and can be enjoyed by our customers for more than a couple of days!  

Do you have a personal favorite flower that you love working with during Valentine's Day, and if so, what makes it special to you?

Matt: Clematis. It’s both flower and foliage, and adds a stunning, romantic touch to the arrangements with its dancing blooms!

Hannah: Ranunculus! It’s my partner’s favorite flower, and every time I use one in an arrangement, it reminds me of him.

Given the demands of the floral industry during Valentine's Day, how do you strike a balance between work commitments and personal celebrations during the holiday season?

We feel incredibly fortunate that our loved ones support us and understand the level of commitment that holiday productions require. We close our shop for a few days after any major holiday to allow our team some well-deserved rest. Our designers and delivery staff are amazing, and we couldn’t do it without them!

In your opinion, how do flowers uniquely express love and emotions, especially during the Valentine's Day season?

We try to capture a fraction of the majesty that nature provides to us and bundle all that beauty into a small package. It’s a simple gesture, but the meaning behind it is one that encapsulates and inspires all the feelings you feel when you stumble upon a wild meadow of flowers or a stunning garden. You’re giving that joy to someone else. It's a precious and noble gift, and even the hardest hearts are won over. Valentine's is a day to celebrate love, to bring those pure feelings to another, what better way than to give the gift of wonder?




Connect with Matt and Hannah:
