Did you miss our first Mornings with Mayesh show?? If so, I have the replay for you here! I think our first show turned out amazing!! I want to thank everyone who submitted questions and who were able to join us live because, without you, Dave and I would have just been talking to ourselves.
Be sure to save your seat for our June 6th show at 10 am EST / 7 am PST! If you have questions or topics that you would like us to discuss, share them in the comments below.
Here are the topics and questions that were covered along with the links that were mentioned:
- What is happening in the world of flowers?
- What is the best way to keep stock from getting gummy?
- What is the best way to order flowers at the right time so that they peak on event day?
- http://www.mayesh.com/contact-us/locations/
- Please describe the process to order and receive Mayesh product when I have events out of my local area so that they open perfectly the day of the event.
- http://www.mayesh.com/products-services/#4
- What is the best estimate/contract software for a small florist?
- http://www.mayesh.com/florist-app-comparison/
- What is the best sources for supplies - buckets, vessels, containers, etc.
- How do other florists mark up their flowers and goods? Also, when incorporating labor, what percentage do most use?
- http://www.mayesh.com/live-chat-replay-how-should-you-determine-your-floral-markup/
- What the best method to make a garland? Any hints to ensure it stays together really well? Is is more cost effective to make yourself or order from a company that specializes in garlands?
- https://www.instagram.com/p/BJOAHFDDFDF/?taken-by=mayeshwholesale
- https://youtu.be/py81Tx7LSeU
- What's your favorite base to make a flower crown with?
- For wedding florists, how do you handle clients that want to mix their DIY flowers (fresh or silk) with your designs? We have an exclusivity "preference" but it can be hard to explain/enforce at times, especially with there being so many DIY brides in our area of the midwest! I would love to hear how other professionals handle this situation.
- What are your favorite corsage and boutonniere flowers? I love using orchids and callas for their durability but they don't seem to be very popular right now. And roses can fade quite quickly in the heat of summer wedding season.
- How do you create "hoop" bouquets? I don't quite know how to keep all of the flowers alive and still get a sturdy end product.
- Marketing news: Facebook algorithm update, new features for Facebook group admins, Instagram Stories and MikMak, Pinterest's "more like this" and Lens.
- https://www.mikmak.tv
- https://blog.pinterest.com/en/search-outside-box-new-pinterest-visual-discovery-tools
Mark your calendar and we'll see you on June 6th for our next Mornings with Mayesh!