Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Mornings with Mayesh: Creative Ideas for Floral Businesses

Written by Yvonne Ashton | January 15, 2021

Our first 2021 Mayesh Design Star, Drew Rios of Rogue&Fox Floral Co was my special guest for our first Mornings with Mayesh of the new year. Drew answered all of the questions that came in about her Avant-Garde Ceremony floral installation video. Afterward, we chatted about creative ideas to incorporate into your business - collaborating with other artists, selling “trending now” items, upcoming or current floral trends & more.

Stay tuned for the next show & keep on sending in your floral questions! Below you will find the podcast, video replay, and show notes.














  • Michael:
    • Could you provide a total cost of goods used and what your retail charge for this would be? Using the items you did with abandon is great...but curious as to the cost? 
      • 500-700 cost for flowers
      • column = 500-700
      • Installation pricing - Drew usually does a 5 times markup 
      • total = 5000-7000
      • can incorporate less dried to lower the cost
    • Also, aren't you concerned with the longevity of the fresh product with no water source? Thanks!
  • alytimmermann:
    • Love this! How long would a piece like this last/ how far in advance could you design it?
      • This piece will last several days. I’d construct this two days before and plug in the vibrant delicate floral last.

  • Carol: If you could ask Drew alternative ways to hang the chicken wire structure on the wall, that would be super. Not always do we have the flexibility to make a hole in the wall ...

  • How do I become a Mayesh Design Star?



  • Stay up on the trends and tailoring your product offering to those trends can really help you stay relevant to your customers and attract new customers. What are some steps for our listeners in selling “trending now” items?

  • Along the same lines, I would love to know your thoughts on what you think are the current and upcoming floral trends?

  • lulualleyflowers: I’m trying to expand my business, what tools have helped you?

  • Collaboration can be a beautiful thing for so many reasons. Why should our viewers consider collaborations and what are your tips on collaborating with other artists?