Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Mornings with Mayesh: Mindset & Self-Care with Amy Balsters

Written by Yvonne Ashton | December 3, 2021

Ready to self-reflect & go on an emotional journey? Amy Balsters of The Floral Coach, sat down with me to talk more about mindset & self-care. If you didn't watch her December Mayesh Design Star video yet, be sure to check that out first. Then, come back as we get really personal and vulnerable. Although Amy's focus is on you, the floral designer & business owner, it is relevant to so many who may be struggling with their internal dialog and different personal situations. 

Amy dives into why she is so passionate about talking about mindset and different strategies of combating limiting beliefs. Learn when the turning point was for herself and how setting forth on this journey has improved not only her life but her business.  Let’s dive into these important topics in addition to the importance of self-care. This is going to be a great episode that may help you put together your vision board and goals for 2022! 

Below is the podcast, video reply, pictures, and show notes:










    • We were very excited to end our 2021 Mayesh Design Star year with you as the designer for many reasons, with one of them being how you are a wonderful proponent for self-care and having a positive mindset. And we thought “what a great way to end the year and have our community think about how they want to start 2022!” Can you share with us why this is something that is dear to your heart and why you often talk about these very important topics?

    • I just wanted to share a comment from someone who watched the video yesterday:
      • This is so perfect for me today! After 18 years of floral design, working in shops for a while, and doing weddings on the side, having 4 babies, I FINALLY set up a business yesterday. So many nagging feelings along with the excitement of actually taking myself seriously after all these years! Thank you for this!

  • When did you self-reflect and realize that you were battling limiting beliefs?