Alison Ellis of Real Flower Business joined Yvonne for another information-packed episode! This time they tackled the subject of websites! Find out why you need a website, how to improve your current site, and how to get this important tool working for you day and night!
Here are the video, podcast replay, and show notes:
- Why do florists need a website?
- Penny: When starting from scratch, where do you start?? Who, what, where, when & how much?
- plan out your website - create wire frames
- hire someone
- use a website builder
- Squarespace is a favorite among creative businesses
- $20/year for domain
- 20 - 40/month for the website
- G Suite - so that you can have a professional email
- Examples:
- Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, Site123
- Wordpress, and Shopify
- Florist specific platforms
- Lynn: Is it really possible to "DIY" or do I have to pay someone to optimize my website? How do I know if it is optimized?
- Yes!! Website builder type companies have fields for you to fill out so that all of the backend information like page titles, meta descriptions, etc are there and able to help with your SEO.
- Google Analytics
- Hire someone to help
- Ask people how did you find me?
- Kathy: I am seriously considering dropping the wire service and am interested in a good platform to use to make a new website. Since our company is hosted by a wire service do we own the right to the domain name? Can you name reputable companies that I can use to create my own website?
- Fiona: So I know it’s super important to have your location on your website (thanks for the tip Yvonne!) but I have no idea how to make that happen! If I just write it in the about paragraph is that enough or is there a certain link or widget I need to come up with so that google recognizes it as a location. I use square space for my website.
- Isabel: Website MUST HAVES?
- A picture of yourself on your contact page
- Contact page with your email address spedlled out
- CTA’s - click here to ...
- Minimalistic design - White space, simple shapes & colors, clean design
- Carefully thought out pages - think quality over quantity
- Responsive design - the page rearranges itself based on the browser size
- Quality content for your visitors - show that you knowledge expertise in the industry and that you are up-to-date with that latest trends.
- Where are you located?
- Well organized footers - these act as a listing of everything found on your side.
- At least one landing page
- Use CTA’s throughout your site
- Something to consider: voice technology
- A secure site - https NOT http
- Incorporate social media
- Isabel: Number 1 thing NOT to do on your website
- Don't take me off of your website to go somewhere else
- Cluttered and not easy to navigate
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