Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Destination Events: Honduras Wedding

Written by Ali Dahlson | April 24, 2018

Did you know Mayesh can provide flowers for events all over the world with our Destination Events program? It's true, and we do everything we can to ensure you receive the highest quality products for your weddings and events outside of the US.

We recently received photos from Alexandra Lockmer Events in Honduras, who works with Ky at our LAX Shipping branch. Alexandra's designs are always clean and elegant, and she was so impressed with the durability of the beautiful, white product she received for this stunning event!



"The flowers were just perfect and survived the process because of the excellent quality you deliver."



If you have any future events outside of the US, be sure to ask your rep about our Destination Events program so you can provide the same level of quality & services to your brides as you do locally! Also, feel free to download The Mayesh Experience to learn about all of the other services we offer professional florists!






The Mayesh Experience

We offer you high-quality wholesale flowers to fulfill your every day & event design needs along with knowledgeable salespeople to help you every step of the way no matter where you are nationwide. Not only do we offer you great products & services, but we strive to provide resources and connections to inspire!

Learn more about: Mayesh Luxe Blooms, Mayesh Market, Mayesh Pulls, Destination Events, Commitment to Education, Mayesh Gives Back, and more!