Mayesh Wholesale Florist's Blog

Mayesh Design Star: Erice McNeff

Written by Ali Dahlson | July 9, 2024

As we find ourselves midway through 2024, it's time for a change of scenery. After dedicating the first half of the year to Retail and Wedding & Event design, we're excited to venture into a new corner of the flower industry: Brand Activation.

But what exactly is Brand Activation when it comes to flowers? It's an innovative marketing approach that uses floral design to create immersive, multisensory experiences that bring a brand's identity to life. From Instagram-worthy floral installations to product launches set in botanical wonderlands, Brand Activation with flowers offers endless possibilities. It's about creating unforgettable moments that engage consumers on an emotional level, turning brands into sensory experiences that linger long after the flowers have faded.




Now that you have a better sense of this space, we're excited to introduce you to the designer who will be delving into this fascinating intersection of marketing, experience design, and our beloved blooms! We are so excited to introduce Erice McNeff of Everbloom Floral Design in San Diego, CA. Continue reading to learn more about Erice!



Erice McNeff is a Southern California floral designer specializing in refined, organic, and artisanal designs. Her passion for aesthetic harmony drives her work and she is deeply inspired by life’s natural artistry.

While floristry was never a career Erice envisioned for herself growing up, after 6 years, it is now something she can’t imagine her life without. She loves that working with flowers means working with her hands, and she finds the long, laborious days of designing to be the most rewarding. 

When Erice’s hands aren’t full of flowers, you can find her cooking, crafting, or holding her son, Saint, in one hand, and clutching a cup of iced coffee in the other.




What made you decide to apply for Mayesh Design Star?

My former rep at Mayes, Val, told me to go for it! I've been passionate about education for florists (specifically teaching others how to efficiently and effectively run their businesses) for a while now and I'm always going on and on about it. I had a conversation with Val one day and she encouraged me to apply as MDS would be the perfect way to "try on" the role of educator.


What do you hope to accomplish with your video series and inspire other florists?

I hope to encourage others to consider another avenue we can step into as florists. Flower shop or weddings are the obvious path choices for us, but there are so many other ways we can use our flower gifts and talents. I also hope to inspire confidence in other florists about their skills and their businesses. 


Where do you draw inspiration for both your designs and the overall aesthetic or vibe or your business?

I'm from Southern California so I think a lot of my personal style is a reflection of that lifestyle. It's very casual and I'm in Birkenstocks 95% of the time. At the same time, I've always been fascinated with design in a variety of mediums. Interior design and fashion are two that I continue to follow most closely and often find myself drawing inspiration from those areas. A lot of my floral design style comes from following different design trends while still staying true to my CA roots. 


What is the hardest lesson you've learned in your journey as a floral designer?

How to handle rejection. It's an ongoing lesson and in some seasons it can be harder than others to hear the word "no". When you run your own creative business it can sting when a potential client hires someone else (especially when it's a job you really want!). On an emotional level, I've learned to trust the process and not hold onto everything so tightly. On a practical level, I've learned how to track my inquiries and monitor my booking rate. It's helped to know that in those moments when the rejection is still stinging, I'm usually doing better than I think I am. 


What is your favorite thing about expanding into brand activation? 

It's been a fun new way to provide florals. It's a much different relationship than working with clients in the wedding space and the turnaround time is much quicker which can be a little stressful but also very exciting and fun.   






Connect with Erice:
